> Much as I reckon this new "politically correct" Nandan stuff brings
> little more than retconned naffness to Sartar
>>I won't argue "PC" or "naff" (not until I fancy starting a good bar-room
>>brawl at a Con, anyway), but to be fair this isn't much of a RetCon.
>>Nandan is obviously not a ubiquitous cult, more of an intermittent/local
>>"Hero Cult", I think.
If I recall correctly, the Orlanthi clan material in the version of HW I've seen said that *every* clan has Nandan members. Even if that's an Orlanthi *every*, 85% is still pretty ubiquitous.
>>I'd have thought MOB would have been the last person to complain about
>>Nandan, though -- is cross-dressing no fun any more when it's Officialised,
>>or perhaps what's worse, Serious?
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