Chaos as Other

From: Doyle Wayne Ramos-Tavener <>
Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 00:16:33 -0500

Pam Carlson notes in Subject: Pelorian views of Chaos

>1) Why is there more choas in Orlanthi lands? Why does Orlanthi have the
>bad brother, Ragnaglar? The Orlanthi seem to be rather obsessed with the
>evils of choas, yet they seem to draw it. Could it be that chaos is kind
>of an Orlanthi "other", to use a Pelorain term? Perhaps other Gloranthan
>cultures don't have such a reaction to chaos, and less trouble with it,
>because they are less linked to it?

I posted a fiction piece to the list some months ago, which implied that the object of Praxian Witch-accusations could turn Chaotic. I supported the idea with the contention that the Praxian viewpoint depended on Chaos to sustain itself as a institution, which implied (to me anyway) that the stress of a witch-accusation might generate sufficient cultural impetus to label (and thereby magically transform) the accused as a Chaotic.

One gentleman (whose name I unfortunately do not remember) e-mailed me privately and noted the Orlanthi Summons of Evil could draw a chaotic (like a Broo, fr'instance), though the Orlanthi do not have any sort of Runic association with Chaos.

So I think the answer to your question

>Could it be that chaos is kind of an Orlanthi "other", to use a Pelorain

is probably yes (IMHO).

>2) Perhaps different cultures are differently able to deal with threats.

At the recent LA con Sandy Peterson discussed the idea that Westerners see Chaos as the result of Sin, noting that the cultural viewpoint of an area determined to a large extent how Chaos manifested in that area. I don't off the cuff remember how his contentions were detailed, perhaps someone else who was there (like Sandy, maybe) would care to enlighten us.


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