The Chalk Man

From: David Cake <>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 16:37:28 +0800

>On another note thanks for the Orlanthi answers, What I meant was, Who carved
>the Chalkman, whats inside the Hill I wonder?

        I think it was carved a LONG time ago, probably first age or GodTime, possibly in the Aram Ya Udrum era. I think whats inside the hill is both inside the earth and in the Otherworld - in other words, the domain of the earth gods/spirits. I like the image of the Chalk Man moving to open the giant door...

        This is in contrast the real life Rude Man of Cerne, who is apparently a relatively recent (ie a few centuries) practical joke. The White Horse of Uffington is apparently pretty old, though.



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