The Keeper allows pilgrims to enter the valley and reach the tomb
of Soravatoor. There after passing several tests, they are allowed
to take home either a Diamond or a worked Iron. Hence the Teshnans
have ample access to Iron.
I kind of like this. When I say kind of I mean that I like the general idea
but would see it as some sort of human interpretation of the facts. I do not
go along with the idea of Mostali worshiping some sort of Krishna type.
Mostali are there to repair the World Machine/Cosmic Wheel/Gearbox of
Destiny/Glorantha Gadget. Octamonists are weird enough. Mostali are weird
enough. But otherwise, from a TeshnanPOV, I think it's great. Perhaps you
have further Mostal/Sorvatoor godlearner type speculation?
Keith Nellist
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