Sorcery Questions

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 12:23:30 +1200 (NZST)

Nick Eden:

>I've been reading Sandy Peterson's Gloranthan Sorcery Rules in 'Ye
>Book of Tentacles'. Not sure that I understand them fully.

>Presence. What is it?

Presence represents the strength of will and intellectual insight that one has in the Otherworld.

>Does it come from Vows and nothing else? Does
>anyone without a vow have any ability to cast a spell with duration?

Presence comes from vows. If the person without presence casts a temporal spell, then it lasts for 10 minutes (cf the section 'commoners' on p6). To make it last longer, one has to have presence.

>Does Presence translate as an infinate/until I feel different Duration
>option for Sorcerers?


>Can someone remind me who the Valkarists and Sedalpists are? These
>last look like the Gloranthan version of the KKK from the sample

The Sedalpists are a major sect among the Malkioni of Umathela. They have no problems with one's skin colour AFAIK but one's humanity is a different thing. About the only non-humans that they deal with are the elves who are a major power in Umathela. Therefore they can only turn up their noses.

The Valkarists are the Malkioni of the East Isles. Their sect was founded by the Wizard Valkaro in the Imperial Age. They claim he was disturbed at the perfidy of the God Learners and left his home in order to found a land where Malkion's truths would still exist. The Wizards of the West claim that Valkaro fled because he was a heretic who believed that wizards should be the rulers of western society and not the nobles (who should function as courtiers, judges and assist the wizards in ruling).

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