Re: Culture Clash Multiverse

From: stephan milam <>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 21:56:08 +0100

In message , writes
> Have people played games in which
> Gloranthan cultures meet other
> fantasy cultures? Questworld was
> always going to be a good one for
> that, but that died. Have your
> Gloranthan characters ever visited
> Tekumel or Talislanta or even
> Ravenloft? Have you introduced
> other non-Gloranthan characters
> into Glorantha?

No but I did have a fun filled time with a group of AD&D characters wandering around Prax. they wondered why they kept being raided (steel kit) why there spells went wrong (untuned iron) and had a really really really nasty shock on meeting intelligent trolls...............

The group hardly knew Glorantha at all, so it took them ages to twig any of them....
- --
stephan milam

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