Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #195

Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 18:02:30 EDT

 Peter Metcalfe :

> And IMO the Mostali of Teshnos do this by keeping the Wheel turning.
>Think of it as a minor cog that keeps the Wheel of Life moving.

> Classic Octamonists are dead boring. :

I like and agree with everything that Peter has come up with. I also feel that Teshnan lethargy (the reason for which is unknown, is this still the case?) fits in well with my view on Octamonist dwarves, in that they are doing their best to get out of any hard work.
- -
In My Game, Octamonists are "by the book" Trade Union activists who will down tools at the slightest break from work procedures. They are work to rule fanatics because only by working exactly by the rules will the machine be workable. Their view of Diamond Dwarves is that they are unnecessary or counter productive; the management (Diamondism/Capitalism). Their view of Iron Dwarves is that they too are unnecessary and a tool of the Diamonds to oppress the workers. Openhandists are, IMG, wheeler dealers who might subcontract out part of the Reconstruction to meet production schedules. Non Heretical Mostali will occasionally work overtime if the Diamonds demand, would prefer to use in-house labour etc. This means that a "bastion of Octamonism" will need outside resources to meet the Diamond schedule despite the majority of Octamonists objecting, hence the need for prayer wheel turning being contracted out. Octamonists generally want "Shorter dwarves and more money"

In summary:

1-Teshnan dwarves are lazy.
2-Octamonism gives them an excuse to down tools whenever possible.
3-Desperate Diamond openhandist "managers" subcontract work to foolish humans
in grubby backstreet sweatshops, err sorry, Temples, risking quality control to meet the Reconstruction Schedule.
4-Peter M has good ideas (even if he isn;'t worried by the Crimson Bat)

Keith Nellist

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