Broo Prince of Dorastar

Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 22:33:50 -0500 (CDT)

I can't remember if I sent in the last of my Broo Princes. I don't think I ever got around to it, but if I did, sorry for the duplication. If now, here he is, as promised (a long, long time ago). Heironomous Gore, the White Sheep of the family (well, technically sort of a light brown with brindling, but you know what I mean).

As promised (long, long ago), the last of the Broo Princes of Doraster:

Male Broo, Age 29

HP 17 (23 w/ Vigor)
MP 15 + 42 crystals and Spirits + 13 Chaos Eater = 70 FP 32 - 29 ENC = 3 STR 17 CON 15 SIZ 18 INT 16 POW 15 DEX 20 APP 10 Damage +1d6 Move 4m/r Dex Sr 1 + Siz Sr 1 = SR 2

Iron Greatsword	3	140	101	2d8+1d6	27
    w/ spells	3	174	101	4d8+2d6+6	27
Headbutt		(+3)	97	n/a	2d6		n/a
   w/spells		(+3)	100	n/a	3d6		n/a
Broadsword		4	97	57	1d8+1+1d6	10
   w/spells		4	131	57	2d8+8+2d6	10
Long Bow		1/5/9	104	n/a	1d8+1		n/a
Target Shield	5	25	37	2d6		12

Head 		19-20		20		15/6		25/8
L Arm		16-18		18-19		7/5		17/6
R Arm		13-15		16-17		7/5		17/6
Chest		12		11-15		7/7		17/10
Abdomen	9-11		7-10		7/6		17/8
L. Leg	5-8		4-6		7/6		17/8
R. Leg	1-4		1-3		7/6		17/8

Armor = Lamelar Body + Iron Plate Helm
Protect 6 and Shield 2 give 10 additional AP.

SKILLS: Climb 39, Dodge 28, Jump 39, Speak Broo 37, Aggari 23, Conceal 97, Disguise (as a different Broo) 79, Listen 94, Scan 105, Search 86, Track 96, Hide 77, Sneak 81

SPIRIT MAGIC (Free Int 0): Disrupt, Heal 2, Protect 6, Detect Undead, Bladesharp 6 (known by Chaoseater) Strength 3, Detect Enemies, Vigor 6,
(in Matrixes) Speeddart, Repair 1, Light

RUNE MAGIC: (all reusable) Truesword 1, Heal Wound 1, Shield 2, Worship Humakt 1. (Know by Chaoseater, One use) Heal Wound 2

GIFTS: + 5 Dex, +35% Greatsword Attack, Recover Fatigue at Double Normal Rate, +4 Con vs Poison and Disease (as a Broo, Heironomous is immune to poison and disease, so this gift is actually worthless to him), +50% AP Greatsword

GEAS: Tithe 5 times per year; Can only use swords, natural weapons, missile weapons and shields; No alcohol; Use no poison; Never lie.

Though it's not a Geas, Heironomous also maintains complete celebacy. Although he's never revealed it to anyone, Heironomous castrated himself, removing his testes to insure that he would never father a chaotic broo.

CHAOS FEATURE: Completely non-chaotic. Heironomous believes that he is an "original broo," a goatman without the taint of chaos. He's wrong. He actually has a chaos feature that makes him unchaotic. He has no special chaotic abilities and doesn't detect as chaotic. But he doesn't show up on a Sense Law either, a fact that hasn't ever been pointed out to him. Unlike his parents, Heironomous isn't illuminated. If he were illuminated, he would realize his whole life is a lie and go completely insane.

ALLIED SPIRIT: Chaoseater. Int 10, Pow 13. Bound into enchanted iron greatsword

MAGIC ITEMS: Chaoseaters sword, an iron greatsword with 27 AP which has a binding enchantment for a POW spirit, Pow 9,.

Matrices for Speeddart (on his bow), Repair 1 (on his sheath), and Light
(on a Gold Wheel). Pow Storage Crystals of 7, 6, and 5 points. Pow Storage
Matrixes of 3 and 4 points.

An Iron Helm wearable only by broos or satyrs with goatshaped heads containing a Binding Enchant for a POW spirit, Pow 8. Usuable only by Broos.

Heironomous has a cloak that can make the wearer look human for 8 hours. It works once, and then must be recharged on a shrine of Eurmal. Heironomous has only used the cloak five times because he has so much trouble getting it recharged. Though he doesn't know it, each time he uses the cloak, there is a cumulative one percent chance that it will make him look human permanently, after which it will make the wearer look like a broo. It's an artifact created by followers of Nysalor and only three exist in all of Glorantha, all in the vicinity of Doraster. Currently, one makes the wearer look human, one is set for troll, and one for broo.

BACKGROUND AND PERSONALITY: Heironomous is the son of Ralzalkark
(his "father") and the Wild Healer of the Rockwood Mountains (his "mother.")
While "pregnant" the Wild Healer (a male broo) heroquested to prevent his child from being born in the normal (and fatal) broo way. He managed to obtain an unusual inside-out Thed chaos gift making the child non-chaotic. Not lawful, mind you, but chaotically non-chaotic.

Heironomous isn't so much a lawful broo as an anti-broo, the total opposite of what it means to be a broo. He's clean, honest, valient, honorable, a total chaotic perversion of everything brooish. He also hates his own kind with a pathological fury. He's a broo serial killer, honestly and honorable chopping other broo to little bits whenever he has the opportunity. He keep meticulous track of his kills (he's at 34) and is constantly obsessing with ways to kill even more of his own kind. He believes he's doing this to purify his race and restore them to the innocent beastmen they were before being tainted with chaos. But the truth is, he's really doing it because it's his nature. He's an abomination, an inversion, a horribly warped paradox that relentlessly destroys his own kind. Heironomous's ultimate goal is to kill all the other broo princes of Doraster, then kill Ralzalkark, the Wild Healer, and himself in an orgy of self-destruction. To that end, he'll ally himself with any group of adventurers that will have him.

DESCRIPTION: Heironomous is a meticulously clean broo, with a ram's head and an unusually long, lion-like tail. His arms and armor shine like mirrors and are elaborately decorated with truth, death, and law runes. His helmet is war booty, taken from a chaotic broo rune lord and is built to allow the wearer to head butt (if their head is goat or ram shaped). Heironomous has a speach impediment which maaaaaaaakes him elongaaaaaaate his Aaaaaaas, in goat like fashion, a fact which he finds highly embaaaaaarraaaaassing.         

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