> Heroes who HQ their own paths are rife in the third age of Glorantha, the best
> known is perhaps Argrath (whom I presume is the same as Garyunder of the Seven
> Storms.) When I met him at Gencon this year, Greg told me something very important
> about Illumination and the interaction between the Gods and mortals...when you
> initoate intio a cult, you make a deal with the God. "If you do this and live this
> way, I'll protect you", says the God or Goddess. When you become illuminated, you
> can see everything, like seeing all sides of a box. Therefore, you can go outside
> of that God's path, However, when you do that, you loose that god's protection.
Find out what passions drive the characters, and design dangerous quests for them. The advantage of a Quest that has been performed many times is that the Quester knows exactly what to expect...When you blaze your own path, you're on your own, and get rewards consummerate with the risks. What are the backgrounds of your characters? (please send in private e-mail, unless you want to share with the list.)
Chris Bell
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