Call me one dimensional, but if you cast aside the philosophical debate about the nature of society and what womyn are/aren't allowed to do in the game (i.e. can Vinga thunder), all you need to understand is a very simple part of the HW rules that has always been there:
You can describe your character with any reasonable abilities you want.
If you use the "100 word description" version of character creation, I don't think it would take a literary genius to add the following sentence to your character:
"Journeyed to the other side and won the powers of thunder, which she has used to aid her clan many times."
As long as the GM isn't a proto-fascist Ubermensch type, you're set. If they were, you probably wouldn't be playing in their game.
Also, if you use the keyword method of character creation you can achieve the exact same effect even if you can't form a complete sentence.
In the end, no game system can automatically make it impossible for men to be sexist pigs if that's what they really want to be, but Hero Wars certainly does not make it inevitable. I believe HW goes a long way towards making it less likely.
Take Care,
Rick Meints, Education, Training & Development, 8-737-2126
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