I like Orlanth Adventurous as a name/title/adjective. I don't really like
Orlanth the Youth as no one would want to be a member ("I'm in Orlanth the
Youth", "But you're 33", "Yes, I know, embarrasing isn't it, I wish I was an
Adventurer!"). Orlanth the Warrior is OK. Orlanth Thunderous I like.Orlanth
Rex rules OK. Orlanth the Great Bear, I've never heard of. Orlanth Pedantic
doesn't exist, that's Lhankhor Mhy. I thought that Adventurous emphased
Mobility, Rex emphasised Mastery, and Thunderous was Storm? Is this outdated
godlearner "Rune" gibberish?
>From my "Conan" collection I note the following which could be Orlanthi
the Warrior
the Liberator
the Adventurer
the Wanderer
the Freebooter
the Usurper
of Cimmeria
and the Road of Kings
and the Sword of Skelos
of the Isles.
(maybe not the last 4)
Keith "REHoward fan" Nellist