Concrete overshoes for Hero wars.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 00:44:07 +0100 (BST)

Michael Cule is Unrepentant:
> For what it's worth, I couldn't get any excitement and tension out of the
> mechanic because it didn't relate to anything. [...] I need concrete knowledge
> about the situation the characters find themselves in to allow my players to
> grasp the scene with their minds and become excited by it.

I think you're right -- just knowing the SP/AP values for a scene just isn't very rivetting in itself. It's necessary to connect these to game-world situations and actions -- the only question is: how, exactly?

The first thing is to get your players to do their bit; they ought to be describing the actions they attempt, not just staking SPs. (Or even, just describing them, and letting the GM assign SPs to suit.)

For my money the real issue is how strongly this mapping will be indicated/support by the HW rules, in the form of examples, guidelines, or even (gasp) rules. Obviously it's simply not possible to handle every possible case, for every possible ability this way, to say the very least. But a "leg-up" for the most common cases would be handy.

Usual disclaimer: I haven't seen *any* full HW draft, so this is not a direct commentary on what is or isn't actually in any of 'em.


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