the unbearable lightness of Gregging

From: David Cake <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 13:34:00 +0800

>> If we stuck to the official view on Vinga, for example, there would
>> be no problem - because none of us would ever have a Vingan PC
>As Jane correctly countered earlier, "define official". Does Spoken
>Word of Greg count, this week?

        Unless he recited a full cult writeup at some point, a quick 'its like Orlanth Adventurous' doesn't really count. Spoken Word of Greg means you aren't acting as a passive consumer - after all, attending Cons or reading transcripts in Con books are very much fannish activities. Extrapolating from a quick answer by Greg to putting it in your actual game is certainly going past the 'official' bounds of what is defined.

        For that matter, even extrapolating from the various Greggly Works In Progress is somewhat 'fannish' in nature (given the explicit disclaimers and the nature of the works).

        Just to let everybody know that I too have felt the pain, I just had an article cut from Drastic by Greg today!



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