Well, I'm glad to hear that much. I was planning to make my wounds-based system be based on the level of some traits which is the point that SPs are based on so no problem there. I'm muchly glad that people are doing some of the work for me.
> >I think the rules system should be modelling the world. That way I can
> >discover
> >what happens just as the players will. If my personal prejudices are
> >allowed to
> >rule the outcomes then I become (as GM) a puppetmaster not a co-creator.
> This really goes to the heart of Mikes objections. As far as I can
> see, Mike is a died in the wool 'simulationist', believing that RPG rules
> should try and simulate reality. Which presumably means that there are all
> sorts of other rules that try and simulate literary conventions above
> reality that he objects too as well as Hero Wars
> Its probably best to agree to disagree, Mike. If your objections
> are to fundamental issues at the heart of the design rather than specific
> mechanics, there isn't much hope it will ever become something you are
> happy with.
Well, I'm not too happy with the term 'simulationist'. It implies that I care about the exact ratio of metals in Gloranthan bronze or how Lunar armour is made or other sorts of tedious detail. But otherwise you're right. I've got a philosophy of gaming that HW isn't likely to serve without me doing some work.
I want the world to be part of the system. I want people to think about how it works and how to go about surviving and succeeding in it.
> Shut up about the damn status point mechanic. You've lost this one.
But you see, I have 'Bloody minded and stubborn grognard' 6/14.
Actor And Genius
AKA Theophilus Prince Archbishop Of The Far Isles Medieval Society
Arms Purpure An Open Book Proper: On the Dexter Page an Alpha Or
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(Resistance is Useless). Ask me about the Far Isles:
Better Living through Pan-Medieval Anachronisms.
End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #228
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