Brian Tickler tangentially Critiques a HW character:
> Another question this brings up: "knows secrets from chief's past" seems
> to me to be something I would never allow, as this skill "projects" a
> disadvantage onto another person. If this is allowed, why not "knows how
> to kill Crimson Bat with 3 rapid blinks"?
That's a truly appalling straw man -- if not an actual petroleum man ;-)
- but there's a good point in there. I think it's quite reasonable
to allow this sort of thing, provided the GM feels it doesn't unduly
damage (or outright abuse) the NPC in question. (I'm using it's an NPC,
the solution is rather clear if it's a PC.) There's a small, but
interesting game-philosophy issue here, perhaps, in terms of how much
players are co-creators of the game-world, beyond simply the epidermis
of their own characters.
My personal take on this is that just as in, say, a Pendragon game,
where I'm generally more than happy to let a player be the Authority
on his or her own character's family, then in a HW-type setting,
letting the players have plenty of input on their own clan seems
a logical way to do. (Especially in the light of the clan generation
system explicitly giving the players such a role, at least pre-play.)