>Does this seem workable to you HW types? Other comments?
Absolutely, this would effectively mean that they have run away in fear with maybe just a scratch, or if they still have SPs left after the first exchange, they are backing away waiting for reinforcements. Fighting multiple opponents is not impossible in HW, but it is still considerably more difficult than fighting them successively.
>Herest the fanatic Uroxi vs Vatik the cautious Yelmalion
Yes, this is a bit of an odd situation, but if a frothing berserk is leaping at you, you can't just put a shield in the way. If you fluff it, then you probably dived out of the way without looking, and tripped over a dead horse or something. Maybe the berserk managed to psych you out and break your cool, but landed on his own axe as well.
Any view of things that is not strange is false
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