Small point: there aren't "noble families" as such living in exile from Sartar, since even if you come from the bloodline of a chieftain, if one of your immediate family isn't _actually_ chieftain, this amounts to a level of status on the order of "that and a guilder will get you an ale". And I presume your uncle isn't chief, otherwise why are you in exile?
> and a couple of Solars (one of which is from an exiled Pelorian noble
> family living in Sun County).
Exiled Dara Happans can have useless titles by the bucketload, of course. ;-) (Maybe not even 100% useless, if they have a land grant to go along with, like Duke Raus.)
> My question is this: can anybody tell me the names of the families that
> accepted exile in Prax and their role in Peloria/Dara Happa?
Aside from Duke Raus and his family, of whom I can tell you little since I don't have _Borderlands_, I don't know of any Official sources on this one. In the case of Sartar, though, it's quite easy to just pick a tribe or a clan which you think is more anti-Lunar than the norm, and decide that some group has gone into exile from there. Inconveniently anti-Lunar ruling bloodlines would be leading contenders for this...
Peloria is more of a problem, since we have less detailed info on that sort of level. I'd suggest simply making up a family name, and deciding what general sub-region they come from, unless it's vital to know _exactly_ where they're from.
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