Alex disagrees with my view of the Rathori.
First. IMO, the Rathori were already mercenaries before the Ban. They formed the backbone of Black Hralf's army, and many veterans of those wars still live. Remember that the Ban did not happen for the rathori, they just woke up in the future.
So they keep many of the traditions of a lost age, including one where warfare was more common, the Janube was filled by cities, and everybody needed mercenaries.
Second. The Rathori, although stronger in Rathorela (that borders the upper Janube, anyway) are also present in Tastolar, so in both cases you don't need to go too far to meet possible customers. The nomadic nature of the rathori makes stable alliances impractical, but short term mercenary terms are perfect.
Third. With the Kingdom of War around, all the lesser powers in the region are scouring the area for any help, specially Riverjoin, Karstall and Timms. Powerful war parties will be discouraged, but small parties will be able to move around, getting trade items and brideprices.
Fourth. Concerning the advanced nature of the rathori, besides their advanced religion, I just believed the Player's Book: Rathorela "Note that this culture is (sic) developed a culture more complex than the usual Hsunchen, approaching the level of the barbarian cultures". And they are called barbarians instead pf primitives all over the Fronela chapter.
Finally the cohort is harder to place. I would choose the citizen-soldiers of the Dark Empire, after Arkat's victory.
That's all for now. More tomorrow.
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