Well, I don't know much about this Yelmalio-Elmal-Controversy but when Yelm was dead the sun was gone. Nevertheless during the LBQ Elmal protected Orlanths stead. How does that work? Since he is a God of Light I suspected he would provide some light, even though it is called by humans the Great Darkness. If the sun was still there, was it dark? Yelmalio was the "Last Light" in the Darkness. He lost his fire powers and was may be weakened, but did even lost all his light? He (and AFAIK Elmal) never died, that means unlike Yelm he does not have to go to the underworld every night. But where is he then?
Nick Brooke:
>Not at night. That's when Xentha's Cloak obscures the Shining Sky, only
>pierced by spears of starlight, planet-light, moonlight, and the like.
>The sky cannot be seen shining at night. It would shine golden in the
Alex Ferguson:
>Yelmalio is the bright sky during the day; Elmal is the sun. Dayzatar
>isn't visible at all.
Sun County:
"Yelmalio is the god of the Sun Dome - the shining light of the sky when
both the sun and night are absent."
OK, you'are right Yelmalio does not shine at night. But during the day he cannot shine either, the sun is present (or is that a misinterpretation?). So what is his time, only dusk and dawn? And where is he at night? Is he somehow covered by Xentha, as Trotsky indicates? But without his father he was "the strongest god of light to live in the Darkness" (see above).
Lots of questions, it's all confusing. Some answers?
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