dieing in HW

From: David Cake <dave_at_starfish.net.au>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 14:19:06 +0800

In reply to MOB, you can set up Hero Wars combat so that people can get seriously injured or even killed fairly easily, if thats what you want. The thing I like is that it they won't get seriously injured and killed when the GM doesn't want it to happen. But use the 'gritty' rules for injury, and have relatively determined NPCs (ie willing to make fairly decent sized SP bets), and death can be quite common. Usually it will be as a result of a Big Failure and/or Big Success, just as in RQ.

        I'm in favour of more detailed rules for wounds in HW. I think HW is going to breed even more house rules than RQ! I like the idea of my players having to nurse injuries. I'm not sure I want my players to die very often, though, so I'll probably not use the quicker death rules.

>I can't see Rurik's demise possible using the HW rules

        Rurik is already down quite a few SPs (which was the case most certainly - MR Runespear would not die by merely being criticalled in the head by a trollkin, its being hit in the head by a trollkin after he had already just DIed that was the kicker), so he is already pretty low, the trollkin bets a decent number of points (10, say, maybe its got a few from some earlier success), Rurik rolls a twenty, the trollkin rolls a 1. And the Runelord is toast.



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