I'm in favour of more detailed rules for wounds in HW. I think HW is going to breed even more house rules than RQ! I like the idea of my players having to nurse injuries. I'm not sure I want my players to die very often, though, so I'll probably not use the quicker death rules.
>I can't see Rurik's demise possible using the HW rules
Rurik is already down quite a few SPs (which was the case most certainly - MR Runespear would not die by merely being criticalled in the head by a trollkin, its being hit in the head by a trollkin after he had already just DIed that was the kicker), so he is already pretty low, the trollkin bets a decent number of points (10, say, maybe its got a few from some earlier success), Rurik rolls a twenty, the trollkin rolls a 1. And the Runelord is toast.
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