><<Simon Hibbs: > Instead they just watch the war continue, and then
> > wipe out half of their potential followers, but right up till that
> > they continue answerign their divinations, granting them magical
> > powers, etc?
> Point #1: your examples work FOR my argument, not against it. They
show that
>gods can intervene in the mundane plane sustaining a faction of
>against those that staied away.>>
No it doesn't. I'm asking if this is your possition, not stating it as mine. Hence the question mark at the end of the paragraph.
Trotsky :
> I believe Simon's point is that the god is also apparently
sustaining a
>faction of followers that *did* stray away, and continues to do so
right up to
>the point where one side or the other loses. Presumably you're arguing
>while this may appear to be what happens, in reality the powers are
>from somewhere else. So the question is, where?
Indeed. Sergio is saying that gods _do_ know that one faction is wrong, _do_ want them to lose, _are_ able to intervene in the world, but (1) still grant magical powers to the heretics and (2) use surreptitious and unnoticeable means to ensure the heretics lose.
My contention is that god's dont give a toss about many the things that their mundane worshipers get all heated up about.
Simon Hibbs
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