
From: Mikko Rintasaari <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 01:11:53 +0300 (EDT)

Alex said: (all too many days back... I'm having trouble finding enough time to keep up with the digest)

> Slingstone have the advantages of being cheap, readily available,
> and Mythicly Correct, however, so I'm sure they retain a certain
> perverse appeal for many clans.

Just a small comment. I'm sure most of you know this already, but it's fairly futile to actually fire _stones_ with a sling, especially if one means to seriously hurt a large creature like a human. Stones tend to be too irregular in shape and all too lite. Stone slingshot (meaning the ammunition) is good enough for hunting small game, but for killing humans one needs neat balls of lead, iron (bronze in glorantha, I presume) or wet clay. Lead is traditional, I think... both in the RW and in Glorantha.   Other than that, the point stands. Slings _are_ cheap and easy to make, easy to maintain (bows require careful handling, and a lot of maintenance) a sling can be carrid loaded, and tucked to a belt (try it, a useful tip for a livegame) and all in all make very neat weapons for skirmisher troops.
  Actually I think the more sophisticated Orlanthi tend to have young, unarmored boys (and girls) as skirmishers when fasing heavyly armoured infantry, especially something like yelmalian pike columns. These fast youngsters, armed mainly with throwing darts and slings can can confuse and irritate the slower enemy melee troops, and try to break up their formation a little before the main Orlanthi force charges in.

ok... enough said

        -Mikko, the I-need-a-spellcheker Adept

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