Jonating Bear People

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 98 22:19 MET DST

Jose Ramos
>> - Not all rathori live in rathorela.

Peter Metcalfe
> I doubt this. Their culture is strongly dependant on the gathering
> of acorns. Tastolar is tundra/taiga and unsuitable for them and
> to the south are the settled cities, all of which strongly discourage
> hunter/gatherer inhabiting their turf (the closest european parallel
> would be gypsies).

Thinking of the Rathori, I am strongly reminded of the slavic woodfolk of eastern Germany who had been disowned from (much of) their agricultural land by German settlers and now eked out a subsistence life on the fringes of the cities and villages. I doubt anything like this happens north of the Janube, but we know that Jonatela was bear-worshipping country, too.

> And the raiding is done against city people

In order to obtain trade goods to exchange with the Uncolings who act as intermediaries to the Third Eye Blue people in the northwest.

> I seriously question the worth of such blanket statements to prop
> up a pet theory. Southbank has soldiers that a Rathori consider
> good. "When I outfought the Soldier of Gold three years ago, it
> was my strike that killed him, but..." (PB:G p7). Furthermore
> the people of the Janube Cities are not effeminate debauchees that
> rely on mercenaries (like Safelster) but kindred to the Jonatings
> and some Hsunchen folk as well as lunar refugees.

Some Hsunchen folk: including Rathori?

> I do not think the Rathori organize themselves into 'companies'.
> They are more likely to travel in a band of brothers and attach
> themselves to some leader in return for a steady share of plunder
> and some interesting trinklets in lean times. Because of this,
> they are unlikely to reach double digits in size. Fifty Rathori
> would mean the entire malefolk of the clan! Who is looking after
> the missus?

I think you underestimate the spirit of brotherhood that raiding (or hooliganism, for a modern parallel) can incite. I agree with Jose that it will be the yet not territorial young males who go raiding, in order to find means to establish themselves. Even if we had a 100 strong clan living in one place, no fifty raiders would come to a raid. Rather, the young men of several friendly clans will gather, perhaps follow some veteran raiders needing to prove something, and go off raiding.

Fronelan history shows that at times the Rathori joined forces with great warleaders. This would mean that warriors from uncounted clans would join up into one large army. Clan subunits would be of the size of a tent's "company".

> Secondly patrols would be considered dead boring for the Rathori
> and they are more than likely to go and find something better to
> do.

Agreed. Unless there is going to be a really good reward, they wouldn't care for patrol duty. Man-hunts, on the other hand, would be good sport for Rathori gone a-raiding to remain happy.

What is the record for Rathori - Char-un relations, by the way? Kill on sight, raid where you can, or what?

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