> I don't > think it [the Red Moon] obeys laws of parallax. I am interested,
however, in how it appears
> as one crosses the glowline - does it just flick up to a higher position,
> does it slide up over the course of a number of kilometers, or is there
> inscrutable special effect that obscures the process?
I do think it obeys laws of parallax -- it's a physical body, and thus physical laws apply. I don't see why the Red Moon has to be a special exception. You surely want it right overhead when in Glamour, and not so elsewhere, and this implies parallax.>>
Not necessarily. If the Red Moon showed parallax its apparent height would vary in a linear way with distance from Glamour, which in turn would imply that its height above the ground could be calculated. While I think its apparent height does vary with distance, I don't think the relationship is linear, and Greg has on at least one occaision stated that it is impossible to calculate the height of the Red Moon.
Forward the glorious Red Army!
I believe the difference inside the Glowline is that you see a red corona around the moon, even when it's in its black phase. (The Glowline is a magical phenomenon with physical effects, not a violation of physical laws.) >>
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