Invisible Orlanth

From: Andrew Behan <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:58:38 GMT

First off there is a "not very accurate, but it'll do for NPCs" short-form write-up of IO at: Orlanth

and as short speculation on his cosmology at:

"What the Moon Woman Says" is official and pretty close to what Morgan said, mind IO is a bit of a blank cult. Personally I see them as being into Orphic hymnody, not eating beans, right-angle triangles and "the noble savage".

I'd didn't realize that IOers consider honey a sacrament. Excellent idea.

I do wonder however what IO's relation to Bisos, the local cognate to Orlanth (defeats the Blue Men/Aroka to get "Full Cellar"/Heler) is. - ----------

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