Re: Vingkot/Heort

Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 18:57:45 EST

Neil Smith:

<< What's the difference between Vingkotlings and Hoertlings?>>

      Greg answered this question in Greg Sez at, and I think it might still be available (the myths get removed after a couple of months, but I can't remember if the answers are as well).

     At any rate, the short answer is the time period. The Vingkotlings effectively became the Heortlings during the Grey Age (between the Great Darkness and the Dawn).

     Whether or not there are some Orlanthi today who follow the traditions of Vingkot but not those of Heort is unclear - some of the more distant and/or unusual Orlanthi could well count but I don't recall having a seen a definitive statement anywhere.

<<Enclosure 1 indicates they're different, and the kingship rites are
different, but what are these differences?>>

     I don't know the specifics, but presumably the later, Heortling rites, either add extra details to the old Vingkotling ones and/or they are more suited to the world of Time when, among other things, gods are less able to come and pay you a visit in person.

 << Which areas are populated by one over the other? >>  

     The original Vingkotling homeland was Dragon Pass (Kerofinela if you want to use the posh cartographic term) but the Heortlings spread much further than that during the First Age.

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