Vingkotlings and Heortlings: and now Star Tribes?

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 98 22:12 MET

Jeff Richard clarified the differences between Vingkotlings and Heortlings.

>The grateful peoples of Dragon Pass - largely the surviving descendants
>of the Vingkotlings and the Star Tribes - elected him as their High King.

You make this sound as if the Star Tribes were not Vingkotling in nation and culture. However, the couple of startribes known - Liornvuli, Stravuli, Esrolvuli - all seem to be remnants of lost or broken Vingkotling tribes.

Star Tribes might mean their time of origin, but were there Star Captains involved?

>They have been called the Heortlings ever since.

What about the non-Vingkotling descended humans of the area, most notably the Aramites from Ivory Plinth?

>For the Heortlings, a king does not need to belong to any specific bloodline
>- instead he is elected (or acclaimed, whatever) by his people. The person
>best suited for leadership is acknowledged as leader.
>Many of these new tribes possessed Heortling tribal regalia but few traced
>their ancestry to the old Vingkotling and Star Tribe founders. Thus some
>scholars refer to these tribes as Alakoringite rather than Heortling.

The difference between Heortling, Harmast's Heortling (priest-dominated) and Alakoring's Heortling (king-dominated, small-tribish) election of kings still isn't quite clear.

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