University of Sog City heraldry; Bondsman's Oath

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 15:16:58 -0800

I was just looking at the USC Conference Guide (an incredibly handy guide to the West, even if you have no interest in LARPs), and really looked at the shield (presumably of the university) for the first time. It's quartered, and has a sailing ship perched on a wave (which is labelled with the Magic rune), a pentagram, a law rune, and a ship (labelled with an Infinity rune) which is on fire, out of which is rising a phoenix (or possibly in which is perishing a dragon).

This latter makes me think of the Battle of Tanian's Victory, when the Jrusteli ended the Waertagi monopoly of the seas. And the other ship may be one of the merchant ships run by the Free Men of the Sea (or other Jrusteli mercantilists). If so, then here are two God Learner accomplishments, proudly displayed.

Does anyone have different interpretations? (Or is this really the heraldry of something else? After all, the University was founded well before the Battle of Tanian's Victory, at a time when only the Waertagi sailed out of sight of land.)

Jane Williams wanted to know about

> Bondsman's Oath, etc? In particular, how much use will it be for a
> newly initiated 15-year-old to have the twit Bonded if a Sword of
> Humakt wants the Trickster dead?

That one's easy -- Humakti would respect oaths. Of course, the Humakti would also expect the one the Trickster swore to to make good on any damages. If the oath-taker breaks the oath, then it's not an oath, and the Humakti can kill the Trickster.

This is, of course, why it's usually chiefs who make such oaths (they can usually afford the damages, and they can enforce the oath if the Trickster starts breaking it).

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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