Re: Shargash & Orlanth

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:17:43 -0800

Chris Bell

> I'd be very interested in reading some cross cultural myths involving
> Shargash and Orlanth. Even though from what I understand, the God Learners
> never made inroads to Peloria (as far as I know), there certainly must have
> been some myths born from the interactions between Shargash and Orlanth's
> peoples, and explanations as to differences and similarities.

Doesn't take God Learners... the First Council did a lot of myth synchronizing. That's when the Dara Happans learned that it was Orlanth who was Rebellus Terminus, and the Heortlings learned that Orlanth killed Yelm (not just the Evil Emperor).

Shargash killed Umath, though I think the version of this in King of Sartar doesn't have Greg's more recent edit to make it clearer. (The Orlanthi say it was "Red Destroyer.")

> An Orlanthi would most likely tell you that Shargash is merely a
> misunderstood shadow or child or Humakt or Urox.

Shargash is an enemy god. He may have some lesser storm powers, but he's no kin of Orlanth!

> It could even be said that Orlanth combines the best traits of Shargash and
> Yelm!

To an Orlanthi, I don't think Shargash has any good traits (and Yelm has very few).

> Any Lightbringer trapped in the underworld of Alkoth would probably have
> excellent chances of escaping and overcoming the paths of the dead, as
> these mysteries are essential parts of the Lightbringer's Quest. In fact,
> some crazy Heroquesting Orlanthi may well journey to Alkoth, just for the
> shortcut to the Underworld!

Hmm. This might work, but I suspect it's a part of the Underworld that the Lightbringers never went to, so this would be harder than usual.

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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