Re: Physics and Uz lore

From: robin mitra <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 21:39:39 +0100

> >AFAIK Grandfather Mortal had no physical relations to trolls.

> Peter Metcalfe:
> He does. Trolls look humanoid and Trollpak (and numerous Kyger
> Litor writeups) claim that Kyger Litor begat the Uz after mating
> with Grandfather Mortal

>Kyger Litor mated with the Man Rune, which I've always assumed to be the Uz
>equivalent of Grandfather Mortal -the name they use to talk about him.

Steve Lieb:
>Recall that "grandfather mortal" is actually a GL agglomeration of the
>numerous culture and race-specific entities who occupied that role in >myth.
> GM is "mortality" not "human".

Is the Man Rune indeed the same as GM? It sounds more like a mysterious power of life than a god with personality.

I know time wasn't created yet and the order things happend differed from nowadays. But GM was created by several gods and trolls were born when darkness was the only element.

> << Is air in the darkness?>>

> It doesn't go away when it gets dark, no.

So if air is in darkness why not in water? You won't see it either. I don't say it's hydrogen and oxygen but what about the coexistence of two gloranthan elements? Even light can penetrate water to a certain extent.

> << What is gravity? >>
> I don't think any real-world culture ever came up with a myth to explain
> gravity (though I could be wrong, not being an expert on mythology). Its one
> of those things you don't normally think about and feel a need to explain. So
> there may not be a myth to explain it in Glorantha - it just 'is'.

Yes, but in Europe we had the christian church for almost 2000 years. It explained the whole cosmos and was very afraid of people not believing it. OTOH on Glorantha we have cults trying to discover the secrets of the world. Imagine a LM-sage sitting beneath an apple-tree ;-) or better a bookshelf when suddenly a book falls on his head. And he wonders why.  

> But if you don't like that answer, then presumably earthy stuff (solid
> objects) like being with other earthy stuff, most of which is underneath you.
> Since Sramak's river is a vast body of water and lies underneath the world as
> well as around it, that would explain why liquid things move downwards too -
> alternatively they like being with one of the really deep water deities. This
> also explains why air doesn't sink and why fire moves upwards, towards the Sky
> Dome. Darkness is presumably sufficiently primal and omnipresent (even if its
> hiding) that it doesn't feel the need to sink towards Hell.

Hey, that's good! Only that things fall down even below the earth in the underworld. Anyway my initial point was, even if no mythogical reason can be found keep it like RW - anything else would be too strange.


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