Re: Two Thunders, Pt II

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 03:41:21 GMT

Chris Bell:
> Sheng already has been rescued from that Lunar Hell.

Depend on your Now, of course; in the Long Run he's back in it (and we're all dead).

> And lets not forget Harmast Barefoot, who rescued Arkat from the underworld
> to which Nysalor banished him to. While it may not have been Alkoth Hell
> again, there was most likely a greater chance that it was.

I dunno about that. I'm sure there was some fairly specific info "around" as to what mishap had befallen Arkat, exactly; unfortunately, my brain is refusing to release the information, in the event it's in there at all. Anyone else doing any better?

> However, ASFAIK, Sheng was trapped in a *Lunar* hell, not necessarily the
> Underworld of Alkoth

Definitely not the Underworld of Alkoth which is distinctly pre-Lunar. (though of course now Assimilated, as Culture 111). The Lunar Hell in question is a "mystical" one, and as KoS expounds, is outside "normal" Glorantha, which would certainly include all the "usual" Hecks.


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