Re: Water beats Fire, and Malia worship

From: Roland Volz <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 11:46:41 PST

>> the Battle of ?Water beats Fire?;
>Tanien's Victory?

Not being a possessor of the Fortunate Succession and having no knowledge of the formation of Lake Oronin, I can still remember the victory of Lorien over the sky gods, which should qualify as Water beats Fire.

(Telmori) Thomas asks:
>1. Do Malia worshippers detect as chaotic ?
>2. Does involunary worship of Malia taint you with chaos ?
I don't think it works that way. According to the way it seems to work in the writings of Paulis of Longvale (?? the guy in the sidebar of CoT), the worship of Malia is a subtle evil, not so easily detected by Uroxi. Also, I seem to remember that Malia was only slightly aligned to chaos, as opposed to her coconspirators Ragnaglar and Thed.


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