<< >1) Gods of Glorantha states fairly specifically that an Exarch is a
>of one of the eight provinces of the Empire. But the Genertela Book seems to
>imply there are rather more - the Seven Bridges have their own 'minor'
>Exarchs, for example.
This is a bit bloodyminded. The Prosopaedia entry does not specifically state eight provinces >>
No, but the Genertela book does.
<<and therefore there is no contradiction between a large province being ruled by an exarch and a bridge being defined a province and thus having an exarch.>>
True, and entirely plausible so far as it goes, but it does contradict the line about the Empire being divided into eight provinces for administrative purposes - and its a bit difficult to conceive of a province which isn't an administrative unit, except, as you rightly point, the entirely sunken ones. So perhaps the Bridges are autonomous districts within provinces, but if so, this would imply some sort of ranking between exarchs (i.e. those which have charge of provinces, even if hypothetical sunken ones, and those who do not), as I suggested.
<< Archexarch could be a Kralori title for minister. In which case, he's the Minister of War and merely one of many who advise the Emperor. IMO he's no more powerful than any other minister. >>
OK, this makes a lot of sense and is certainly one of the two possibilities I had envisaged. In which case, it would be interesting to note who the others are. I am given to understand that the most powerful Minister in the ancient Chinese government (for much of its history anyway, I dare say it changes occaisionally) was the Minister of Ceremonial Equipment, who, among other things, commanded the staff of the Imperial palace, and thus controlled access to the Emperor. Justice and Revenue are two other obvious possibilities for high ranking Ministers, and I'm sure there would be many others some with suitably wierd and/or anachronistic titles.
<< >6) Zombie galleys. They're cool. Where do they come from?
Kralori corpses.>>
Well, duh. I mean, where do they get the corpses from? Are they executed criminals, or is actually considered something of an honour for your physical remains to continue serving the Emperor even after your soul has departed, so that able-bodied corpses are donated to naval officials by relatives? Or something else? And is there a Zombie Reanimation Department within the navy, or is it a separate (presumably non-chaotic) cult which might use zombies for other purposes too?
Oh, and another question, since I'm here. What is the status of women within Kralori society? I'm thinking particularly of the potential or otherwise for female PCs.
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