That they stay in Lup Nor, mainly, and refrain from Polluting the rest of the empire. This neatly reflects the different attitudes of Kralorela and Vormain, both rather "isolationist" countries: as I heard someone say about the Dutch vs. the British attitudes to The Drug Problem, the Dutch/Kralori attitude is "We have too much water, so we put in in the canals"; the British/Vorumai attitude would more be to be "Tough on water, and tough on the causes of water!"
> What would an "Adventurer" do in Kralorela?
Be very careful, if he knows what's good for him.
Foreigners in Kralorela will have to be either very sneaky, very powerful, or just stick to Wanzow. Doing a Captain Blackthorn would not be impossible, though. If you do your time in Lup Nor, though, then proceed as per "native", with suitable caveats.
Native scalliwags can get up to similar nonsense as in any heavily urbanised, civilised setting. It's certainly not the most lawless place going, so you have to pick your opportunities for hack'n'slash carefully, and nor are there oodles of chaos horrors needing sliced, but if being a Mendicant Martial Monk is your thing, or being a mandarin's trouble shooter (or making the sorts of trouble that has to be shot), or being a hapless sap in the armies or navies (ask MOB for details!), or going on tortuous quests for mystical enlightenment, or a historian trying to unpeel the accreted layers of Official History, or talking with dragons, or just being a bit of a Dodgy Kralori Geezer ("Don't leave that bridge there, missus! I'll 'ave it away, I will, really!"), then I think there's plenty room enough.
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