>I have recently been reading information about the Gurkha's & how they came
>to have the current relationship with the UK, I was reading about the
>Gurkha wars in India & wondered if Teshnos suffered a similar occurence
>from groups of Shan Shan tribes raiding into there territory?
The raiding Shan Shan tribes are a major headache for the Teshnans. They are as bad as the Praxians, the Goblins, the Melibs, the Elves, the Sofali (the shame!), the Orangutans and the Amazons and many brave Teshnan soldiers have died in droves before their might. They die in droves anyway but the principle is the same...
>I can
>picture bands of Tiger Hsunchen getting together to raid the decadent
>Teshnans. Armed with Kukri & a tiger they would be more than a match for
>the average Teshnan soldier. Is this sort of thing likely to happen?
Yup. But IMO the _leaders_ of the Tiger-people are not armed with kukri and tigers, they are humanoid tiger-demons or Rakshasas.
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