Tiger Sons

From: Kmnellist_at_aol.com
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 15:48:01 EST

<< Adam Betteridge:  

>I have recently been reading information about the Gurkha's & how they came
>to have the current relationship with the UK, I was reading about the
>Gurkha wars in India & wondered if Teshnos suffered a similar occurence
>from groups of Shan Shan tribes raiding into there territory?

The follow up question could be 'who takes the role of British Officers to these Tiger Hsunchen?' . I would suggest Lunars (but it is a long way away), Godlearners (in the Imperial age), Kralorelans (specially trained to deal with foreigners in Lur Nop), The prince of Melib? the Pharoah? Maybe even the Iron Dwarfs of Diamond Mountain, who aren't popular in that stonghold of Octamonism, perhaps they're exiled Iron Dwarfs? Hence the superb Kukri which seem beyond the technology of the primitive Tiger People.  

 The raiding Shan Shan tribes are a major headache for the Teshnans.

Teshnan cure for headaches - lie down until it goes away.

>- --Peter Metcalfe
> But IMO the _leaders_ of the Tiger-people are not armed with
 kukri and tigers, they are humanoid tiger-demons or Rakshasas.


Surely, these are RQ2 Tiger Sons, or Tiger "Son"chen.

Keith Nellist

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