Re: Chaos in Kralorela

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 03:27:20 GMT

Andrew Bean:
> Isn't the skull of Atyar buried in the catacombs of a Kralori=
> city (based on old Cults of Terror) having been found by a=
> wandering Lankhor Mhy sage on a tropical island (the East Isles=
> ?).

I'll comment on this one when I'm sober enought to look up what's these days an alarmingly valuable book! Perhaps we should clarify what the question is about Chaos; is it "does Kralorela have a concept of 'evil' or 'bad' gods and other entities?"; is it, "does Kralorela contain, and to what degree, what an Orlanthi or God Leaner would call 'chaos'?"; is it, "do the Kralori have a concept analogous to that of 'chaos', and in what what, and does it conform to the definition used by other peoples?"?

> I would have thought that the Kralori bureacracy was ripe for=
> Krashti penetration

KraLor is indeed a rather bureaucratic state, and is probably infiltrated by both small scale squalid corruption of its officials, and actual organised malfeasance, to some extent or other.

> Then again Kralorela=
> claims to have not been particularly affected by the Greater=
> Darkness - so may be only subtle chaos has successfully=
> penetrated.

Kralorela does not _have_ a Greater Darkness in its mythology, in fact. No sun going out, or being overrun by chaos nasties -- none of that sorta shit.

> (e.g. Is Clinton or=
> Kennedy the worst philandering American president ? )

Don't you mean the _best_ philandering American president? ;-) (Kennedy gets my vote. None of this 'didn't inhale'/'did not have relations' sorta stuff.)

> Any tentacled monsters are=
> merely in your imagination. Just have a little rest and a cup of=
> this soothing herb tea and you won't remember a thing. Whoops, I=
> mean feel a lot better."

Are you implying there's something _wrong_ with having a nice cuppa tea, citizen? That's a six months in the Instant Torture Camps offence, you know.

I refer you to the Regional Activity Table for a decent flavour of what goes on. It's not exhaustive, of course, but the only thing that noticably oozes or slithers is the Huan To event.

> They may call Chaos by a different name but it still oozes.

The closest concept I'm aware of in Eastern mythology in "antigod", as has already been commented. This includes deities like Orlanth, who does not, last time I checked, do much oozing. I believe the Kralori situation is at least broadly similar, though I have to confess the details are nebulous at the moment. Those of you who have read the Myth of the Month a little while ago will have noted that Shang Hsa (may his named be cursed!) is described as an 'antidragon'.

> And I want to have a Chinese Ghost Story in Kralorela somewhere.

I think that Kralorela has both ghosts and assorted hells. I could speculate endlessly about this (and I hope the rest of you will, too), but it must be said no Official answer is currently available.

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