Nochet questions

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 12:24:54 +1300

Fabrice Lamidey:

>I have a few questions :
>1) At what precise date is the Pharaoh dismembered by Jar-eel ?

IMO Nobody in the Holy Country knows. All they know is that one day they notice that the Pharaoh is gone and nobody is quite sure when the last time they saw him was. It is a Mystery.

Since the disappearance took place after Harrek's sack of the Rightarm Isles and the Lion King's Feast, it is likely they took place in the later part of campaigning season (ie after Fire Season).

>2) In what circumstances (naval combat i suppose) ?

The Pharaoh wasn't present at the sacking of the Rightarm Isles nor was he present at the Lion King's Feast. He was apparently engaged in some magical ritual to strengthen his realm when he was assasinated.

>3) What are the events of the tournament of luck and death?

AFAIK there's no set form. It's a magical contest in which Heroes attempt to best one another in magical combats and all sorts of tricks and strategems are used. The exact events would vary from tournament to tournament as it is dependant on the challengers' strengths and weaknesses.

>4) At what date does in take place in 1616 ?

It doesn't have a set date, it takes place when the Pharaoh dies. Again there's no word on the precise date it took place.

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