Re: Accurate map

From: Phil Hibbs <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 23:57:56 -0000

>>According to Sandy, that map of Dorastor is hideously inaccurate.
Keith N.:
>But Dorastor is known to have huge changes in it' s geography as part
>of it's nature.

That's also true. I should have put the reference in context, the "Ha ha, that map's way out, here this is what's wrong with it" was a Lunar guard at Fort Wrath telling my character about the problem in a game Sandy was running <smug grin>. He (the Lunar) seemed to think that the geography that he was describing was fairly accurate, and I infer from that, relatively static. Sure, it shifts, but there seem to be limits. Maybe they aren't actual limits, but there are parameters that it seems to have stayed within within recorded history.

So, it was an in-game reference, not an ex-cathedra edict on the definitive layout of Dorastor. Infer what you will.


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