Just to confuse matters, I've heard Greg describe the HHD flying as being an example of ritual HQ-type bilocation, rather than mundane travel to [Peak of Choice]. Though this apparently contradicts the source text (reference mislaid) which talks about the poor blighters getting stuck halfway down, afterwards! Nimbly I'll attempt to reconcile these by saying that some Orlanthi make the pilgrimage in person, beforehand, and that some find themself in the 'other' place when the 'bilocation' ends, as a side-effect of the ceremony. Actually, now that I mention it, that might be quite a good 'hook', if you're into campaigns of a somewhat Zelazny/Frank Baum-esque nature. "We're not in Sartar anymore, Toto..."
> Seriously, Orlanthi
> maps would be tend to be schematic things, emphasizing sacred hills and
> peaks over more prosaic concerns. Dara Happan maps if anything are even
> more schematic, with stylistic concerns overshadowing petty interests like
> accuracy. And so on.
I disagree with this last part. Dara Happa has a definite Materialist tradition, very into Measuring and Naming things, so I think there would be many a DH map with quite a degree of purported precision. Admittedly it may be in many cases wholly spurious precision, rather than real accuracy... (At least when an Orlanthi tells you somewhere is a "coupla miles" away you _know_ he's being Airy with you, whereas if a Dara Happan tells you it's 12.37 Statutes, you may be distraught to discover that it's more like 19...)
The biggest problem with Dara Happan maps is likely to be the tension between the Materialist and the Perfectionist. (One that exists inside many DH heads, as well as across many a DH debating forum.) Drawing things as they are, versus how they _should_ be. This is more than just stiff-necked prejudice, since in Glorantha such things have magical power.
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