The Great Map Debate...

From: Mark C. Gagnon <>
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 11:39:55 +0000

Regarding maps, compasses and the Flying Orlanthi Mappers: My initial comment wasn't designed to provoke a debate about Glorantha or how mapping takes place (if at all) in Glorantha. My intent was a whinge about the maps in the Genertela and other boxed sets (now 12 years old or older depending upon date of purchase); compared to the maps in the Dreamslands set and the Griffin Island set, the Glorantha maps are sadly lacking.

I personally like maps, in all forms, but I'd like it better if the Glorantha maps were of the
same quality as the maps for the Griffin Island boxed set. Will Issaries, Inc. issue new
maps to go with Hero Wars?


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