
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:07:49 EST

Gary Switzer:

<< For eastward bound merchant ships wishing to avoid the fatal consequences
of landing on the shore of Ramalia I would think Khorst would seem like a pretty welcome port to put into, both for hiring escorts and local pilots familiar with
 the dangers of the Mournsea.>>

     To be sure, anything has to be preferable to Ramalia, if you happen to be coming by sea. This whole region is something I'm currently discussing with Greg, and hopefully some interesting non-confidential information will come out of that eventually.

<< The Deer Hsunchen of Pralorela seem pretty harmless >>

     Not entirely, IMO. They do not appear to be as aggresive now as they were in the early years of the First Age, when they enslaved a large part of the region, but I wouldn't say that they're harmless. They will permit merchants to travel through their land, in return for 'protection' and provided they stick to agreed routes and move fairly sharpish. I also believe that they raid their neighbours on a semi-regular basis, and they're pretty effective as warriors, especially if I'm right about them using cavalry (cervilry?).

Forward the glorious Red Army!


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