
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 11:12:16 EST

Gary Switzer:

<< Trotsky de-Bambi-izes my view of Pralorela with some tantalizing hints of Things
 to Come:>>

     Well, only if my ideas get any kind of official backing. This doesn't come from Greg's own files on the subject, which I haven't had a look at yet.  

<<>I also believe that they raid their neighbours on a semi-regular basis,
 they're pretty effective as
 warriors, especially if I'm right about them using cavalry (cervilry?).<  

 I noticed that the Pralori are actually Elk Hsunchen, while the more eastern  Damali are Deer. Now an elk could make a fine mount or chariot animal, but  where do Hsunchen draw the line? In the Genertelan Players Book is says never
 "bind beasts to work like a slave." >>

     Right, but how that's interpreted differs from tribe to tribe IMO. The Pralori don't consider riding elk to be enslaving them, although they would if you forced them to pull a chariot or suchlike. They consider themselves to be living in harmony with the elk herd, and the elk are quite happy to let themselves be ridden by Pralori, even though they'd take strenuous objection to anyone else trying it. They don't need to be 'broken in' like horses; they have an instinctive link with the Pralori people. Or at least, that's my idea.

 <<1) Fight like the Telmori, mixed units of Hsunchen warriors and their animal
 2) Fight like the Praxians, except no reins or tack, mounted on their volunteer
 brothers, plus style 1.
 3) Fight like the East Ralians, from chariots pulled by their volunteer  brothers, plus 1 or 2 or both. >>

     I think a number of them fight more or less on their own, especially those who worship relatively inoffensive animals such as the opossum people.  

<< Now here's why I think Deer Hsunchen should use chariots; Deer shed their  antlers each year, which would make the tribe vulnerable to attack, but the antlers can be mounted on chariots, which can be made totally from available material. (I bet the Baron has a really swell looking chariot, btw, with lots of nifty enchantments woven into its all mooseparts chasis. <g>) I expect the whole idea to be massively Greg'd, but the image of rampaging, spikey, Elk chariotry sounds MGF to me.>>

     Well, OK, its not my opinion, but there is some sense in it.  

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