<< Jose Ramos disputes the idea of Brithini Sky Commandos:
>I doubt any brithini flies. I mean, did they fly in the Ice Age? No.
Did they fly in the God's era? I would think they did if they wanted to.>>
Ah, but would they want to? Remember, the soldiers aren't even allowed to ride horses, so this is hardly a race whose rules are very adaptive in the modern age.
<< > Not to mention you can stalemate them by taking Dronal hostages
>Talars and Zzaburs). They are great for defense and punitive missions, but
>too inflexible for actual warfare. "We cannot build a camp. Those sneaky
>human animals have killed the Dronal diggers."
This sounds more like automatons than beings. >>
Yet it's certainly true that if you could do it, they'd be stuffed, since their religion states that only Dromali can do the mundane work of setting up camps and so forth. Of course, the tricky bit is killing the Dromali in the first place without the soldiers noticing...
<< I just think that if the Brithini were this easy to beat, they'd have been crushed long ago (for the magical plunder, if nothing else). IMO, the reason Brithos is where it is >>
I assume you mean Arolanit. *Nobody* knows where Brithos is these days. Unless you're referring to the Second Age or earlier, of course.
<<and not bigger, is that they have no "expansionist" ethic. To me, the Brithini should be basically nearly undefeatable. Their curious worldview acts as a check on themselves.>>
I suspect they're very good at defence, but less so at attack. Which isn't to say that one-on-one they aren't lethal, but their numbers are not great, they have no cavalry and, if you're sufficiently prepared, you can anticipate their tactics. Your army would certainly need to be good to defeat them, and doing so would be quite an acheivement, but not so difficult as you seem to envisage IMO.
Stand Fast the traditional Brithini Army!
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