Re: Brithini

Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 18:16:22 EST


<< On that point, I think it would be the wizards who can cast the really
super combat magic on the Horals. >>

      Presumably, since according to the Genertela Book, the Horals aren't even allowed to cast magic.

<< Another point, Horals would always be commanded by a Talar I assume >>

     Correct, although the Talars can't carry weapons themselves.

<<and as soliders would be perfectly capable of digging and setting up camp; normal soldier duties, but only if given the order, by a Talar. >>

     I'm not so convinced by this. Although it certainly looks as if it makes sense, Horals can't perform manual labour, and I'd imagine this would extend even to what would appear to be military tasks. This sort of rigidity is a large part of their problem. Of course, since they don't normally go out and attack people, they don't actually *need* to set up camp very often; they use the prepared encampments built by the Dronals over the last several centuries. When they do launch offensive actions, such as during the Hero Wars, they probably have to bring a number of Dronals with them.

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