Re: Chronoportation

From: IUL Labor <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 11:33:02 +0100

Nikk Effingham has two things to say about Chronoportation and Time Travel.

IMO the Lunar term "Chronoportation" derives from their pernickety attempt to measure time before Time. If an Orlanthi visits a myth he doesn't care when it happened, he just starts out with the proper re-enactment and gets it done.

If this mythic event happened again/simultaneously within history, the Orlanthi might as well be able to interact with the historical event if turns at the right bend.

There are a few historical events which did not just happen in mundane history, but also in mythic environments, leaving a deep print there. First Battle of Chaos might be one such, Castle Blue or the destruction of Clanking City surely qualify. It should be possible to witness these, participate in the ranks, and even gain some personal benefit from that.

I guess that each hero cult has - unwittingly - a ritual of chronoportation to its hero's activities. It should take considerable heroquesting experience to do anything but aquire similar powers to those the hero used there and then, though.

In Ralios, the technique to do this might be about to be rediscovered.

(from my work account since my modem won't work right now - which is why I can't answer my mail there).

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