Well, don't be holding your breath for the Official answer. ;-)
I think matters like this about Vormain are at least as much a mystery to Gloranthans as to us. For almost all its history, Vormain has been utterly isolated from the outside world -- no-one leaves, and no-one who goes there reports back successfully. (Incommunicado, presumed crucified for being a polluting foreign influence on sacred Vorumai soil) The exceptions to this pattern are infrequent violent, and/or of a generally uninformative character. Such as bi-age-al invasions of Kralorela, or vice versa. (Unsuccessful.)
The fact that there are currently a few refugees from Vormain is probably something of a portent in itself, as much as the rumours of a dynastic crisis within, just as a Brithini maternity ward would be -- 'normal' for them, just ain't.
Such interactions as Vormain has with the outside world are ambiguous enough to create as such fear and paranoia as actual data. In particular nearby East Isles are doubtless pretty worried that the shit will hit the fan sometime soon, and see elaborate machinations behind every hint of interaction with the Vorumai. (Some eternal optimists believe that Vormain will emerge from isolation just in the nick of time to save the Isles from some external threat, or suddenly discover peace, enlightenment, and the laid-back East Isles ways, but I have this bridge they might be interested in...)
Someone comes along demanding tribute -- _presumably_ he's an Imperial represenative, but he could be a pirate or a Hinter Islander or some other illegitimate freebooting scalliwag renegade nobleman, chancing his arm.
You're robbed on the high seas by a bunch of squidy/barracuda-like geezers -- _presumably_ they're just cut-throat pirates, but possibly they have some official or at least tacit support from the the Emporer or some leading nobleman, as a preliminary to some military action, just to grab some cash, or by way of some machination in domestic politics.
Slan libh,
End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #447
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