>Considering the long lasting Secret Societies in Europe (the only ones I
>know something about), and the ease with which they sprout, and survive
>internal conflicts and external pressure, my opinion differs with yours, as
>my essay showed.
What "long lasting" Secret Societies are these? We are talking about something that has survived almost 900 years (from the conquest and destruction of the Dark Empire down to modern times). I do not know of a RW secret society that has lasted that long!
Secondly the 'ease with which they sprout' and 'survive internal conflicts' are contradictorary propositions. Almost every new sprouting has occured as a result of vicious infighting and parting of ways from an older society.
>>It is? I seriously doubt that the majority of Safelstrans are members
>>of a secret society. I strongly dislike the idea that a Safelstran
>>can entertain the notion of joining two or more secret societies.
>A difference of opinnion. I know many people who belonged to several secret
>societies (under Franco's dictatorship), as any association or political
>party worked as such. So perhaps I am more favourably inclined to see secret
>signs, initiation tests, internal doubt, and plenty of betrayal. That I see
>that as MGF is also just my point of view.
But these people are from modern times. We are talking about people with a less sophisticated and more devout mindset. It would be nigh impossible for a Byzantine Cleric to display the same mental agility as your Father's friend and embrace Nestorianism, Arianism, Iconoclasm, Monophysitism and standard orthodoxy for example.
>I set up the arkati different for the other societies for two reasons.
>First they are tangled in a vicious war to bring Arkat back, and to
>stomp Gbaji.
And the Borists and the Galvosti are not? IMO they too want to spread their faith across all Ralios and stomp Gbaji.
>This conflict, as Arkat himself, trascends religious boundaries and
>political borders.
But the Arkati definitely do not transcend religious boundaries and political borders IMO. These borders (as well as personality ones) are the main reason why they are so fragmented.
>A religious society knows what is true (as the Borists), the arkati
>are still searching.
I disagree. They know the Truth. They may lack some proof of their truth to smite their enemies, but they are busy trying to find it. An Arkati cult should mimic Arkat and be fanatics in their chosen path until they grow disatisfied and join another cult to be fanatical in.
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