Where teh East Isles are concerned, latest call is that all inter-island travel stopped for a few years, then it became possible again, at first through various local Opening equivalents. The ocean outside the East Isles autonomous sea and wind system was still closed of course. Travel was slow an difficult between the islands as well.
The question then is whether Vormain is included in the Vithelan bubble. I can find arguments both ways.
Martin Hawley:
> Does anyone know who broke the closing and first sailed to Melib? or Teleos?
> or Haragala?
I can't find a reference of course, but GCotHW says that Kethaelan ships showed up in Kralorela. I think it was Kralorelan merchants who learned Dormal's method who first sailed to Haragala and Teleos. As far as I know, they haven't been named.
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