> Sailing between the East Isles does not require the Opening Spell.
Correct. The Closing _did_ stop inter-islands travel, but only for a couple of years. Then it was again possible to sail, but more difficult than before.
> >Before the closing it is my guess that relations with the major sea power of
> >the time would not have been rosy: Waertagi, Jrusteli, Golden Mokato.
> Secondly Mokato couldn't kick the Malkioni (Valkaro's Isles) out of
> the Eastern Isles, so what chance do they have of thwarting a
> massive outbreak of refugees?
Mokato's history hasn't been detailed yet, but I'd venture a guess that they didn't _want_ to kick out the Valkarians. I think the Mokatan position was that they gave Valkaro protection from the Jrusteli and let him stay.
> Before the closing it is my guess that relations with the major sea power of
> the time would not have been rosy: Waertagi, Jrusteli, Golden Mokato.
> Not rosy, but I don't think Mokato and the Waertagi were still major
> powers by the time of the Closing. Both suffered severe setbacks in the
> early 700's. (Though may have recovered somewhat, thereafter.)
IMO, Mokato's heyday came _after_ the early 700s, when the rival proto-empires had been squished.
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